1. What are the “Wicomico Appaloosas?”
    On March 30, 2018 a herd of 109 horses was seized on a farm in Wicomico County, MD. The horses were dispersed to numerous rescue organizations in a four-state area. Since that time, most of the horses survived, have received comprehensive care and nutrition and are recovering well. Virtually all of the horses are untrained and are now ready to begin training so that they can become adoptable. The largest single herd of over 30 horses resides in Southern Maryland and is owned and managed by Last Chance Animal Rescue of Waldorf, MD. LCAR is organizing a Trainers’ Challenge to help their herd prepare for adoption this fall. Trainers participating in this challenge will participate in a show and adoption event in October.
  2. Who is eligible to participate in the Trainers’ Challenge?
    Trainers in the 6-state area (Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia and West Virginia) may participate if they meet certain requirements.
    • Trainers who do business in the vicinity of the horse farm where the horses reside may train the horses on-site where they currently live.
    • Trainers located outside the vicinity may transport the horses they train to an approved remote facility. If trained in Maryland, horses will be required to reside at a licensed facility during the challenge.
    • Trainers must agree to provide photographic and video documentation of the horses’ progress bi-weekly.
    • Trainers must agree to attend the Trainers’ Challenge competition as part of the ‘Appy Fest Adoption Event on October 6-7, 2018.
    • Trainers must carry liability insurance and provide a certificate of insurance naming Last Chance Animal Rescue as a named insured before removing horses from the property.
    • Trainers will provide their own horse transportation from and returning to the farm where the horses are currently housed. Last Chance Animal Rescue may be able to assist with transport over a reasonable distance if given sufficient advance notice, but such assistance is not guaranteed. All Trainers are required to make an appointment in advance for the date and time of horse selection and pick-up.
  3. What compensation can a Trainer receive?
    Trainers participating in the Trainers’ Challenge will receive a $500 stipend and support for feed costs. In addition, if the horse receives an approved adoption contract during the challenge period or during ‘Appy Fest, the trainer will receive a minimum of $600 from the proceeds of the adoption fee. Trainers will also have the opportunity to compete for cash and prizes at the ‘Appy Fest Adoption Event on October 6-7, 2018. All horses will have a current negative coggins, up-to-date vaccinations and recent farrier and dental care. Last Chance Animal rescue will provide health certificates for horses crossing state lines.
  4. What amount of training is a Trainer expected to provide?
    • Trainers must meet or exceed Maryland’s Minimum Standards of Care for Equines for each horse in their care during the Challenge (copy attached)
    • Trainers will be financially responsible for providing hay, feed, turnout and farrier care to their Challenge horses. If additional veterinary or dental care is required, Trainer will advise Last Chance Animal Rescue or its designated representative as specified in the contract promptly so that arrangements for additional care may be approved/negotiated.
    • Trainers will be expected to gentle their Challenge horses and provide a reasonable amount of training over approximately a 90-day period. Expected accomplishments for all horses, regardless of age include:
      — haltering and leading quietly,
      — allowing all four feet to be lifted and handled,
      — allowing inspection of mouth and teeth,
      — standing quietly, allowing currying, brushing, bathing, mane and tail grooming;
      — allowing Trainer to run hands over all body surfaces, including ears and tail;
      — loading and unloading quietly from a trailer (either step-up or ramp is allowed).
    • Horses aged 4 or more will be expected to have accomplished the following in addition to the above:
      — Standing in cross-ties or tied
      — Accept a blanket or saddle pad and saddle, with girth or cinch tightened
      — Accept a rider mouting and in the saddle – an assistant at the head is permitted
      — Walk obediently under saddle with mounted rider
      — Trot quietly under saddle with mounted rider
  5. How many horses can I apply to train?
    A maximum of 3 horses may be trained by a single trainer. Businesses with multiple trainers may apply to train up to 5 horses.
  6. What skills are Trainers expected to exhibit for the ‘Appy Fest Adoption Show?
    • All horses will be expected to exhibit the skills in Item 4 above, according to age group.
    • Horses with the following skills will be eligible to compete at a higher level for additional prizes:
      — Navigate obstacles with rider on the ground (any age)
      — Navigate obstacles including poles (age 3 or over) unmounted
      — Navigate obstacles with mounted rider (age 3 and over)
      — Canter/lope under saddle (age 4 and over)
      — Trot or canter over poles or cross rails under saddle with mounted rider (age 4 and over)